How to Remove Security Guard

The Security Guard virus employs all the latest badware tools to wreak havoc on your computer and ruin your day. This fake antispyware from the crooks who made CleanUp Antivirus andSecurity Antivirus fills your computer with a bunch of useless junk and then tries to get you to pay to remove this same useless junk.

To make things worse, it shows endless Security Guard pop-ups and tries to scare you with phony system scans that “detect” a long list of mean-sounding viruses with names like “Virus.Win32.Faker.a.” Most of these are just recycled names from years-old viruses, and they probably haven’t been anywhere near your computer.

Ready to restore sanity to your hard drive? Here’s how to get rid of Security Guard for free.

(FY to the I: we earn a commish from Spyware Doctor. But we honestly dig the award-winning anti-badware — read our review.)

How to Remove Security Guard Manually

Security Guard warning Before we get started, you should backup your system and your registry.

To remove Security Guard manually, you need to delete Security Guard files. Not sure how to delete Security Guard files? Click here, and I’ll show you. Otherwise, go ahead and…

Stop Security Guard processes:


Remove Security Guard registry values:

HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes “URL” = “{searchTerms}”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes “URL” = “{searchTerms}”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer “PRS” = “”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download “RunInvalidSignatures” = “1″
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\Post Platform “layout/2.01002″
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “Security Guard”
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes “URL” = “{searchTerms}”

Remove Security Guard DLLs:

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\345d567\mozcrt19.dll
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\345d567\sqlite3.dll

Delete Security Guard files:

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\345d567\24.mof
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\345d567\SG345d.exe
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\345d567\SGD.ico
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\345d567\SGDSys\
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\SGZIQYEXRD\SGWNLED.cfg
%UserProfile%\Application Data\Security Guard\cookies.sqlite
%UserProfile%\Application Data\Security Guard\Instructions.ini
%UserProfile%\Desktop\Security Guard.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Security Guard.lnk
%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Security Guard.lnk
c:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\search.xml

Get rid of Security Guard folders:

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\345d567
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\345d567\BackUp\
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\345d567\Quarantine Items\
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\345d567\SGDSys\
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\SGZIQYEXRD
%UserProfile%\Application Data\Security Guard

Note: In any Security Guard files I mention above, “%UserProfile%” is a variable referring to your current user’s profile folder. If you’re using Windows NT/2000/XP/7, by default this is “C:\Documents and Settings\[CURRENT USER]” (e.g., “C:\Documents and Settings\JoeSmith”).

How Do You Remove Security Guard Files?

Need help figuring out how to delete Security Guard files? While you should only manually remove Security Guard files if you’re comfortable editing your system, you’ll find it’s fairly easy.

How to delete Security Guard files in Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7:

  1. Click your Windows Start menu, and then click “Search.”
  2. A speech bubble will pop up asking you, “What do you want to search for?” Click “All files and folders.”
  3. Type a Security Guard file in the search box, and select “Local Hard Drives.”
  4. Click “ Search.” Once the file is found, delete it.

How to stop Security Guard processes:

  1. Click the Start menu, select Run.
  2. Type taskmgr.exe into the the Run command box, and click “OK.” You can also launch the Task Manager by pressing keys CTRL + Shift + ESC.
  3. Click Processes tab, and find Security Guard processes.
  4. Once you’ve found the Security Guard processes, right-click them and select “End Process” to kill Security Guard.

How to remove Security Guard registry keys:

Security Guard warning You should always backup your registry before you edit it.

  1. Select your Windows menu “Start,” and click “Run.” An “Open” field will appear. Type “regedit ” and click “OK ” to open up your Registry Editor. In Windows 7, just type “regedit” into the “Search programs and files” box in the Windows start menu.
  2. Registry Editor will open as a window with two panes: the left side lets you select various registry keys, and the right side displays the values of the registry key you select.
  3. To find a Security Guard registry key, select “ Edit,” then select “ Find,” and in the search bar type any of Security Guard ‘s registry keys.
  4. When the Security Guard registry key appears, to delete the Security Guard registry key, right-click it, and select “ Modify,” then select “Delete.”

How to delete Security Guard DLLs:

  1. Open your Windows Start menu, and click “Run.” Type “cmd ” in Run, and click “OK.” In Windows 7, just type “regedit” into the “Search programs and files” box in the Windows start menu.
  2. To change your current directory, type “cd” in the command box, press your “Space” key, and enter the full directory where the Security Guard DLL is located. If you’re not sure where the Security Guard DLL is located, enter “dir ” in the command box to display a directory’s contents. To go one directory back, type “cd .. ” in the command box and press “Enter.”
  3. After you’ve located the Security Guard DLL, type “regsvr32 /u SampleDLLName.dll” (e.g., “regsvr32 /u jl27script.dll”) and press your “Enter” key.

That’s it. If you want to restore any Security Guard DLL you removed, type “regsvr32 DLLJustDeleted.dll” (e.g., “regsvr32 jl27script.dll”) into your command box, and press “Enter.”

Did Security Guard change your homepage?

  1. Click Windows Start menu > Control Panel > Internet Options.
  2. Under Home Page, select the General > Use Default.
  3. Type in the URL you want as your home page (e.g., “”).
  4. Select Apply > OK.
  5. Open a fresh web page and make sure that your new default home page pops up.

Security Guard Removal Tip

Is your computer acting funny after deleting any Security Guard files? I recommend Reimage, a utility that selectively reinstalls broken Windows files.

Also, you can save time finding Security Guard files, download Spyware Doctor and manually delete any Security Guard files it finds.

Understanding Security Guard

If you’re infected with Security Guard, you should know what you’re fighting. I’ll explain some definitions related to Security Guard.

Security Guard May Be Rogue Anti-Spyware

Rogue anti-spyware refers to anti-spyware/antivirus software of questionable value. Rogue anti-spyware may not be proven to protect your computer from spyware, may popup fake alerts or create many false positives about your PC being infected, or may use scare tactics to try to get you to purchase the application. Rogue anti-spyware software may be installed by a Trojan, come bundled with other software, or install itself through web browser security holes. While it is fairly rare, some rogue anti-spyware is created and distributed by known spyware or adware companies, and the rogue anti-spyware may install spyware or adware itself.

Often when you’re infected with rogue anti-spyware like Security Guard, you’ll see a false popup security alert like this:

Security Guard  popup

Rogue Anti-Spyware Tactics

Typically, rogue anti-spyware such as Security Guard has one or more of the qualities listed below, which is why rogue anti-spyware is considered anti-spyware software of questionable value.

  • False positives/fake alerts: Rogue anti-spyware may produce a large number of false positives or use fake alerts, noting that your computer is infected with spyware parasites or other threats that do not really exist.
  • Copycat looks: Rogue anti-spyware may copy the look and feel of other legitimate or rogue anti-spyware applications. Often, rogue anti-spyware applications may appear as close clones of other rogue anti-spyware software.
  • High pressure marketing: Rogue anti-spyware may use scare tactics or other aggressive advertising and marketing tactics to try to trick you into buying the rogue anti-spyware application. Often, rogue anti-spyware may produce false positives and fake alerts about your computer being infected.
  • Poor detection/scan reporting: Rogue anti-spyware may produce poor reports when it scans your PC. For example, rogue anti-spyware may say your computer is infected 11 parasites, but not specify which spyware parasites or what type of parasites. Rogue anti-spyware may also report that your PC is infected with SafeAndClean, but not tell you which related files, DLLS, etc. were found on your computer.
  • Weak scanning/detection: Rogue anti-spyware may not only poorly report on computer infection, but rogue antispyware may also poorly scan your PC. Rogue anti-spyware may skip over important folders and files of your computer that should be scanned to detect spyware.

Did Security Guard use these tactics to trick you into buying Security Guard?

Beginners Guide on How to Remove Malware Scripts and Files

IMPORTANT WARNING: Make changes in your Windows Registry only if you know exactly what you are doing. We recommend using Award Winning Registry Mechanic Software from PC Tools, for repairing all Registry Defects and problems.

The purpose of this guide is to let the users easily remove malware scripts and programs from their systems. It is useful for those users, which have not yet invested in a good quality Anti Virus Program / Firewall / Spyware on their system and have got infected with some spurious malware. This guide helps you to know the method to delete the files and kill the processes associated with a particular malware. For using this guide you should know, which malware has infected your system and what process and files are associated with that malware.

Don’t worry, we will be regularly be making you aware about these processes and files, as soon as we come across a major threat.

But be cautious: This method of removing malware is not fool proof. The best defense against any malware attack is to invest in a good quality AntiMalware like Norton, McAfee or Kasperesky.

How to Remove Malware Manually?

The process of manual removal of malware is very complex and it involves upto four steps depending upon the complexity and type of a particular malware. It is not necessary that all these steps are required to be executed for every type of malware. The steps are…

  • Kill the Malware Process
  • Delete the Registry Entries
  • Unregister harmful DLLs
  • Delete the Malware files

malware removalHow to kill the malware processes:

For it you have to know the processes associated with the malware. Search for them on the Internet, if you do not already know them. Then proceed as follows.

Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

This will open Your Windows Task Manager > Process Tab. See the screenshot for reference.

Here you can find all the processes currently running on your system. Select the malicious Processes and press End Process.

Save your settings.

How to delete malware Registry Entries:

IMPORTANT WARNING: Make changes in your Windows Registry only if you know exactly what you are doing. We recommend using Award Winning Registry Mechanic Software from PC Tools, for repairing all Registry Defects and problems.

Many of the malware programs try to modify the Windows registry. These malware programs cannot be removed from your system unless you delete these registry keys. Modification of the Windows Registry is a bit dangerous process, but if you are careful and know what exactly is to be done, then it is very useful.

registry editorTo delete the malware registry entries, you have to know beforehand, what are the registry entries associated with the malware. Search for them on the Internet, if you do not already know them. Then proceed as follows.

Click on Start menu > Run.

Type regedit, press ok.

Now navigate through the menu on the left pane to the desired registry entry, and delete or modify it as required.

How to Unregister harmful malware DLLs

DLL, which is an acronym for Dynamic Link Library, refers to a file type, which basically is a collection of commands and/or data which can be shared by different programs on the same platform. They contain commands and/or data that are common to a certain task.

Many of the complex malware programs use DLL files to execute certain harmful functions and required by threats to work as intended. You have to know which are the DLL files associated with the malware, unregister them and then simply delete them like ordinary files.

For this purpose, you can use the default tool regsvr32, which is part of the Windows program and can be accessed through Command Prompt.

Click on Start > Run.

Type cmd and press ok, to open the Command Prompt.

Here you type regsvr32 /u [dll_name] and press enter to unregister the DLL.

If you accidentally do something wrong, you can register it again by using regsvr32 [dll_name].

How to delete Malware Files:

Malware programs are designed to hide themselves. You have to find them to remove them. Basically there may as many as three steps to remove these files.

  • Remove the visible malware files through Windows Explorer
  • Make the hidden malware files visible and then delete them through Windows Explorer
  • Delete any remaining file through the Command Prompt.

Using Safe Mode to remove Malware

If you are not able to delete the malware files with the above given procedures, then try to restart your system in safe mode. Again try to repeat above steps.

Using KillBox:

Killbox is a third party software, which tries to remove the files effectively. If any processes are running with that file then it tries to close that process first before deleting the file. It sometimes is a very effective tool against malware processes and files. You can download it for Free and it is not required to be installed on your system.

Disclaimer: Remember, there is no fool proof method of removing these malware. The best defense against them is to install a good quality Anti Malware program like Norton, McAfee or Kasperesky. Make sure what you are doing before attempting any steps in this guide. Use this guide at your own risk.

Disable Login Attempt as Guest When Connecting to Network Computer

When you try to connect to a network resource, the login attempt is made with the Guest account instead of the account you’re logged in as.

You can disable this by performing the following steps:

1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel

2. Double-click Administrative Tools

2. Go to Local Security Policies > Local Policies > Security Options

3. Check the Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts

4. Set it to Classic – local users authenticate as themselves

Windows 7 Wireless Adapter Configuration

ou can take a look on this Windows 7 wireless adapter configurationarticle after you have set up your wireless router, so that you can connect Windows 7 computer to wireless network and access Internet websites. It’s pretty similar to how you configure wireless adapter in Windows Vista and the process is not difficult.

Without wasting more time, let us start!

Wireless Adapter Driver Status and TCP/IP Setting

First you need to install the Windows 7 wireless adapter driver correctly and so it will operate well, if not you will face problem to connect to wireless network later. You can always check and download the latest driver from manufacturer website and install it if you have lost the installation CD, but sometimes it will be installed automatically by Windows 7. Take a look on how to check wireless adapter driver status article and ensure it works well.

Checking Network or Wireless Adapter Driver Status in Windows 7

Hello! You are advised to check network or wireless adapter driver status in Windows 7 after installing the driver in order to make sure it works well before trying to connect to wired or wireless network. I used to see users facing network connectivity problem due to incorrect or problematic driver problem, so don’t neglect this simple checking.

This is the way to check network or wireless adapter driver status:

1) Go to Start and click on Control Panel.

open Control Panel in Windows 7

2) Control Panel window will appear, click Hardware and Sound.

Note: If you view Control Panel by Large Icons or Small Icons, you can just double click the Device Manager.

hardware and sound in Windows 7

3) Click on Device Manager in Hardware and Sound window.

open device manager in Windows 7

4) The Device Manager will appear, then locate and expand Network adapters and right click the network or wireless adapter you want to check, finally click on Properties.

network or wireless adapter driver status

5) The network or wireless adapter properties window will appear, your driver works well if it shows This device is working properly under General tab. You can also manually configure network adapter’s driver parameters under Advanced tab.

wireless adapter driver status in Windows 7

Note: If your device does not work well, click on Driver tab to check driver details, update driver, rollback driver, disable driver or uninstall driver.

network or wireless adapter driver problem

After that, you need to configure the TCP/IP setting on the wireless adapter with IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS manually or obtain those network settings from DHCP server. Take a look onconfiguring IP address and other network information here if you are not too sure how to do it.

Quick Way to Configure IP Address and Other Network Information in Windows 7

et me show you how to configure IP address and other network information in Windows 7 here. As you know IP address must be configured on computer in order to communicate with other computers, because this IP address is the standard address understood by computers and other networking devices in networking world.

You can configure IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS servers manually on computer, but you can also configure computer to obtain IP address and other network information from DHCP server (most of the time is configured on router).

Without wasting any more time, let me show you quick way to do it:

1) Go to Start and click on Control Panel.

2) Proceed to click View network status and tasks in Control Panel window.

windows 7 view network status and tasks

3) Network and Sharing Center window will appear, then click change adapter settings.

change adapter settings in Windows 7

4) Network Connections window will appears. Here you can right click on the network adapter (can be wireless adapter or wired Ethernet adapter) that you wish to configure and click Properties.

Windows 7 network adapter properties

5) In the Network Connection Properties window, tick on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.

Note: If your computer sits in IPv6 network, you can select Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) to configure IPv6 address, but it’s not covered here.

network adapter IPv4 properties

Manual IP Assigning

If you wanna do manual configuration, you can now key in the IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway and DNS servers.

Note: IP address of your computer must be unique. None of the 2 computers in the same network can share same IP address, because it will cause IP address conflict.

Note: Default gateway is a router that can route the traffic to the other network or Internet. DNS server is an application server that can translate URL to IP address. Check with your ISP on what DNS servers you should use. If not, you can try this free Opendns or Google DNS servers.

manual IP configuration Windows 7

IP Assigned by DHCP server

If you have DHCP server setup on your router or you have dedicated DHCP server, your computer can be assigned IP address and other network information automatically by selecting Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.

automatic IP configuration Windows 7

Note: If you have a notebook, and you use static IP at home and the IP assigned by DHCP server at the office, you can make use of alternate configuration to set IP and network information for these 2 different networks.

Set Obtain an IP address and DNS automatically on General tab as according to what I specified above, so that the notebook will be assigned IP addresses automatically at the office. After that, click Alternate Configuration tab, select User configured option and key in your home network’s static IP and other network information. By setting this, when there is no IP information assigned due to no DHCP server at home, this alternate configuration will be applied automatically, so that you don’t have to spend time on configuring IP manually every time at home.

alternate IP configuration in Windows 7

Note: If you have enabled DHCP setting on the wireless router, then you should select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically on your wireless adapter’s TCP/IP setting.

Note: If you are using laptop with built-in wireless adapter, make sure you have activated the wireless adapter by turning on the wireless button, press Alt+F2 or other keys on the laptop. Read the laptop manual to know more.

WLAN AutoConfig Service in Windows 7

Now you need to decide which wireless utility to use to detect wireless network and manage wireless network profile. You can use the wireless utility which is provided by wireless adapter manufacturer or the WLAN AutoConfig service in Windows 7. I prefer to use WLAN AutoConfig service in Windows 7 as it’s pretty simple to use.

If you prefer this WLAN AutoConfig service too, you need to set this service to start automatically whenever you boot up the computer. You can learn this easy way to start WLAN AutoConfig service here!

Starting WLAN AutoConfig Service in Windows 7

WLAN AutoConfig service is built-in tool in Windows 7 that can be used to detect and connect to wireless network, of course you need to have wireless adapter installed on computer. This built-in wireless network connection tool is the same as what you use in Windows Vista, and is similar to wireless zero configuration tool in Windows XP.

If you do not activate this service, you need to use the other wireless utility which is provided by wireless adapter manufacturer in order to connect to wireless network. Personally I prefer to use this built-in wireless network connection tool as I don’t have to learn about different wireless utilities for different wireless adapters.

Ok, so let’s start to activate this WLAN autoConfig service in Windows 7:

1) Go to Start and right click Computer. Select and click Manage.

manage computer in Windows 7

2. Computer Management window will appear. Under Services and Applications, click on Services.

Note: This is the other way to get to this Services window: Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services

3. Scroll down and select WLAN AutoConfig. Check whether it is started…

WLAN AutoConfig service in Windows 7

4. Double-click the service and its properties window will appear. If the startup type is not set to automatic, click on the dropdown arrow and change it toAutomatic and click Start to start the service if it’s not started. Click OK at last.

start WLAN AutoConfig service in Windows 7

Note: If you don’t start this service, there is no Manage wireless networks option available for you to detect or manage wireless network in Network and Sharing Center window unless you use other wireless utility.

Computer with this built-in wireless network connection service started:
WLAN AutoConfig is started - can manage wireless network in Windows 7

Computer without this built-in wireless network connection service started:
WLAN AutoConfig not started - can't manage wireless network in Windows 7

Connecting to Wireless Network Easily and Automatically

Ok! We are now ready to start Windows 7 wireless networking by connecting to wireless network, you can use network icon in Windows 7 to detect available wireless network, connect to it and then save the wireless network profile.

Check this article on how to connect to wireless network, and then access Internet website. You can also set it to connect automatically next time.

How to Connect to Wireless Network in Windows 7

Let me show you how to connect to wireless network in Windows 7 in this article, it’s pretty straight forward but slightly different from the way you do in Windows Vista.

Before we start, ensure that WLAN AutoConfig Service is started, so that we can use the Windows 7 build-in wireless network connection tool to connect to wireless network. If you are not sure, check out this starting the WLAN autoconfig service article. If you don’t like this method, you can always use wireless utility provided by wireless adapter’s manufacturer to connect to wireless network but it's not covered here.

1) Ok, let's start, just notice the icon that looks like ladder on you right hand corner taskbar, it’s network icon. If it’s attached with a sun, usually means it detects wireless networks.

network icon in Windows 7 - can detect wireless network

2) Just click on that network icon, it will show all detected wireless networks with signal strength, the more green bars the stronger wireless signal. The details of detected wireless network (SSID, signal strength, security type, radio type) will be shown if you move over mouse cursor for 1 second on the selected network.

Note: If the detected wireless network is hidden network (SSID broadcast is disabled), it will be shown as Other Network.

Note: If there is orange bubble and exclamation mark on wireless network symbol, that is open or unsecured wireless network without any wireless encryption.

Note: Feel free to press refresh button to re-detect wireless network.

display detected wireless network in Windows 7

Note: Please note that the detected network list will be appeared too if you click on Connect to a network in Network and sharing Center.

Connect to a Windows 7 wireless network

3) Click on the wireless network you wish to connect to, it will be expanded as shown below. Check Connect automatically option if you want this network to be connected automatically next time. Proceed to clickConnect.

Windows 7 connect to wireless network

4) If the wireless network is secured network with wireless encryption, the following window will appear, you need to key in wireless encryption key, after that click OK.

Note: If the wireless network is unsecured network, your computer will be connected to wireless network immediately.

Note: If the wireless network you try to connect is Other network (hidden network - SSID broadcast is disabled), you are requested to key in SSID info too before connecting to wireless network.

Windows 7 - type security key to join wireless network

5) Finally, you will see the following white wireless network icon once it’s connected to wireless network. Wow! You can now proceed to access Internet or other computers!

Windows 7 - connected to wireless network

Note:If you right click the connected wireless network and click Properties, you will be able to see the connection setting of this network and you can make further configuration. Have fun! :o)

Windows 7 - properties of wireless-network

Windows 7 wireless network properties - connection tab

Windows 7 wireless network properties - security tab

Please note that you will be prompted to select network location type when you first connects your computer to network, this will automatically set the appropriate firewall and security settings on computer. Check out this network location type article to understand which location type you should choose and also how to change it later if needed.

Creating the Wireless Network Profile Manually

If not, you can also create the wireless network profile manually and then connect to wireless network later. This is useful especially the network that you plan to connect is not available now, but you know the connection settings.

This is the way to create Windows 7 wireless network profile:

1) Go to Start and click on Control Panel.

2) Proceed to click View network status and tasks in Control Panel window.

Windows 7 networking - view network status and tasks

3) Network and Sharing Center window will appear, proceed to click Set up a new connection or network.

Windows 7 network - set up new wireless connection

4) Set up a connection or network window will appear, select Manually connect to a wireless network and click Next.

Windows 7 wireless networking -  manually connect to a wireless network

5) Here you need to enter the wireless network information (network name/SSID, security type, encryption type, security key) that you wish to connect (it should match the wireless settings on wireless router/access point that you plan to connect to). The supported security types are No authentication (Open), WEP, WPA2-Personal, WPA-Personal, WPA2-Enterprise, WPA-Enterprise and 802.1x. The supported encryption types are TKIP and AES. Here I key in the wireless network settings of my friend's wireless network, and click Next at last.

Note: Tick on Start this connection automatically option if you want it to connect automatically next time when it’s in connecting range.

Note: Don’t tick on Connect even if the network is not broadcastingoption if possible for better security. The non-broadcasting wireless network will be show as Other Network on detected network list.

windows 7 networking wireless settings on wireless adapter

6) This final window tells you that your Windows 7 wireless network profile is created and you can change the connection settings by clicking onChange connection settings. Click Close at last. You computer will then connect to this new wireless network when it’s available.

Windows 7 networking - change wireless connection settings

Quick Guide to Configure Wireless Router as Access Point

Ok..Here is the quick guide to configure wireless router as access point. You usually need to do this for creating a wireless network attaching to existing Ethernet home network without using additional access point.

Here is how we make the network connection, just connect the wireless router’s LAN port to Ethernet router’s LAN port by using a crossover cable. If one of the router supports auto MDI/MDI-X feature, you can make the connection by using straight or crossover cable. This will create a hybrid network that comprises wired and wireless network. Don’t make any connection to wireless router’s WAN port; you won’t use it in this case. After that you can proceed to make router configuration.

Wireless Router as Access Point Network

For the Ethernet router, you basically just keep the existing settings without changes. Assuming your Ethernet router's LAN IP is, and this will act as gateway for entire network (wired and wireless). If you would like to enable DHCP, then just enable the DHCP setting on Ethernet router and it will act as DHCP server for wired and wireless network (you don't need to enable DHCP on wireless router anymore). Let's take this scenerio as an example, you can enable DHCP with IP range, netmask, gateway, DNS servers and

Ok… Now we are focusing on how to configure that wireless router as access point. Basically it’s pretty easy. There are only 2 configurations you need to do: LAN and wireless settings.

First configuration is to configure the LAN setting on wireless router, means you need to assign an IP address and netmask to this router. In this case, I label it as with netmask

LAN Setting

After that, proceed to make wireless configuration by assigning the mode, SSID, wireless channel, SSID broadcast and other settings as according to your needs. Also you need to configure the wireless encryption to encrypt the wireless data and improve wireless network security.

Wireless Setting

That’s the entire configuration; you can just ignore DHCP and other WAN related settings. It’s now the time for testing.

The computer with DHCP enabled in wireless network will be assigned the IP and network information from Ethernet router. It will then able to ping the wireless/Ethernet router and access to Internet.