1. open the video in KM player . keep screen size minimum (like 320*170... )
2. To take snapshots press Ctrl+Alt+A ... (for making GIF keep pressing Ctrl+Alt+A )
3. Copy all the snapshots which you want to make GIF into a seperate folder
4. open adobe photoshop CS3
5. FILE---->scripts-----> LOAD FILES INTO STACK

Resized to 75% (was 1280 x 800) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

6. select option "FOLDER".....then browse....OK

Resized to 75% (was 1280 x 800) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

7.select make frames from layers...then REVERSE FRAMES...then "SELECT ALL FRAMES" .. u can adjust the delay time
Resized to 75% (was 1280 x 800) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

8. now crop the image

9. gif is almost done....now FILE---->SAVE FOR WEB
Resized to 75% (was 1280 x 800) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

10.adjust the image size and then save
Resized to 75% (was 1280 x 800) - Click image to enlargePosted Image