Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool (IECTT) is a part of the Application Compatibility Toolkit. Its a freeware tool from Microsoft to solve and address AppCompat Issues.
You can also emulate your website to solve the Website Compatibility Issues – 
This Tool collects your Web-based issues from Internet Explorer 7 / Internet Explorer 8, uploads the data to the ACT Log Processing Service, and gives the details about discovered compatibility issues. It also provides you links for more information about each of this compatibility issues.
To know more on how to Install and setup the Application Compatibility Toolkit Environment, i would recommend you read this article!
Step 1: Invoke the tool from the Start Menu -> All Programs -> Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5 -> Developer and Test Tools -> Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool
Internet Explorer Compatibility Test (IECT) Tool
Once the application is launched, you will see the below dialog;
Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool
Step 2: Close all of your active Internet Explorer browser windows; and then click on the Enable button in the Toolbar.
Enable - Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool
This will start monitoring your Internet Explorer session. In the Internet Explorer Compatibility Tool, you can view the potential compatibility issues, filter your results, save an issue report, and open an existing issue report, and upload all data to your ACT database.
Step 3: Now Open the website on the Internet Explorer (This would be the website, which you would need to check the Compatibility for)
Report Gathering - Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool
Step 4: Press the Disable Button. This will stop the monitoring of the Website.
Disable - Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool
You will now see the complete information which was collected. You can also opt to save this report (.cet) file, so that you can review your issues at a later time, or for archival purposes.
Data Collected - IECTT
You can also filter the reports based on the issue occurances.
Filter Report
Step 5: You have an option to Upload these data to your ACT Database and rationalize and review it using the ACM (Application Compatibility Manager). Click on the Upload Button. This will create an XML file and bucket the data.
Upload the Reports
Saving the Issues Cab File
Step 6: Save the Cab file in the parent level of your ACT log file directory; This will be automatically processed by the ACT Log Processing Service the next time it runs. If you have not created the LogShare – Check this out
Save the cab file in the Root Folder of the Log Share
Step 7: Start the Application Compatibility Manager (ACM) - (right click and run as administrator)Now you will see the Internet Explorer reports also. If you do not see the collected data., open services.msc, stop the ACT Log Processing Service and Restart it.
IE Reports in ACM
Now you can Send-Recieve the data on ACM, so that you can get the suggestions from the community / Microsoft on this issues. If you are an IT Pro, you can also forward this report to the website developer, to fix these issues.
Send Recieve IE Reports
To understand on how to analyze these reports on the Application Compatibility Manager –Read this article


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